Everyone like to have holidays, but these holidays were very long. It was called the lockdown. Due to this lockdown many people from all over the world including me and my family have learnt many new things- Apps in computer which help to do work easily, many new yoga asanas which builds our immunity, many new indoor games to play, etc. I have also learnt many new things. Some were taught by the school and others I picked from YouTube, Google, etc. I learnt how to make a Google Drive link which I never knew before, also I now know how to use Zoom very well. And there are some apps which school taught us using which we can make timeline, info graphics, and flowcharts which has made my work easier. I also learnt how to do cooking also I can bake a chocolate cake. This lockdown was boring - every day we had to sit at home, we couldn't go out anywhere, we couldn't party, but this pandemic gave us a good opportunity, a golden chance to learn new things.